Monday, June 30, 2008

The chase after close...

My manager & I were closing tonight and when we were locking up, we heard some yelling coming from the desert area that is off to the side of our store, but behind the shopping center. Then we saw a red truck that was chasing this woman and almost running her over. He would get out of the truck and try to chase her, then get back in the truck. We called the police and once the guy saw us he drove off, but kept circling the block. The girl kept hiding in bushes and behind things so that he couldn't see her. Finally they police got there and tried to find the girl, but she had already run off. My manager went to the actual parking lot to see if maybe he was over there, and sure enough he was in the main parking lot waiting for us to leave so that he could go back and chase after her. Once he saw the police he sped off and they tried to chase after him, but I don't think they got out of the parking lot in time to actually catch up to him. They hadn't found the girl, or the guy and the truck by the time they let us go home. Hopefully she is okay...

1 comment:

familywithfivekids said...

Cute blog! I'm so glad I stopped by for a visit! I love Disneyland - I like your sidebar photos. :)